Oct 30, 2001

must remember to close span tag when using blogbot... mumble, mumble...
name game on the upside, i suppose the colors of this template go much better with this title. god, i feel so uncreative for using this thing. :) bedtime...

Oct 26, 2001

i have to wonder why i find so many sites with javascript, etc errors through blogger. is it something about this type of service that draws people who don't bother to at least load their page to test it? crazy? did somebody say crazy? i put "time" instead of "type" above. i must be losing it... or maybe my subconscious is trying to tell me it's time to go to bed. well, nobody ever said i liked taking advice.
redemption eds has made up for their problems this week. they decided to pay for all the time that we got sent home early. wooHOO!

Oct 25, 2001

conspiracy theory
aol and ms are out to get me... first aol knocks me offline and now winme is giving me no end of trouble. and don't lecture me about either. i hate aol but it's all i have right now while i'm living at home. and winme came with the computer and i don't have anything better to put on it right now. *sigh* anyway, time to watch er and then head to bed.
i hope this person doesn't mind, but they had a great script for turning the month date ranges of the archive index into month names and years. i had this in php, but i can't use it while i'm on blogspot and my grasp of javascript is not as good. thanks, whoever you are.
i can't believe this temp job. (i can't believe i'm working as a temp, but that's another story.) freaking at&t is dragging their feet on creating the ids, so we keep getting sent home since there's nothing to do. not only that, but we have to wait around trying to "study" for four hours before they even decide to do that. but, i suppose i should stay with it, i don't want to go around job hopping. grrrrrrrrr...

Oct 22, 2001

bloggerbot now officially rocks... great job on getting the html tags implemented! try it! (on your blog, not mine)

Oct 21, 2001

weekend weary it's a funny thing about weekends. i have to decide between getting the sleep i've been daydreaming about all week at work and squeezing fun in to last me through the week of 7am alarms ahead. if i sleep then i don't get to have fun and if i have fun then i don't get enough sleep. as usual, i chose fun this weekend, so i'd better get to bed. riding in cars with boys: decent movie, but too long. it also seemed a little too easily solved in the end. despite that, it was cute and warm and fuzzy.

Oct 20, 2001

i normally don't go for the heavy rock sort of music that 105.7 plays anymore, but i told my sister i'd go with her to see this band that she said she liked... it was a concert featuring local bands and i didn't much care for the first bands that played so i wasn't holding out too much hope for this, the last band. however, i was pleasantly surprised. julian fist, although still not my favorite type of music, was surprisingly fun to listen to. i suggest you check out their website. :)
except for the fact that you can't use html tags, bloggerbot could be addicting... very addicting...
oh, yeah... i'll get a quote up about the new name of the page soon.
yeah, okay, so i definitely need to change some of the colors, but otherwise, this isn't a bad template. i can't believe that i ignored my web page for 5 months. i'd do something with it now, but it's been a long week of getting up early and i promised my neighbor i'd take her dog to agility class tomorrow so i need some sleep. american gods by neil gaiman... read it.

Oct 18, 2001

well, i'm going to try posting to blogspot for a while... there might be a disruption in my page and it might also get me to post more if i don't have to worry about keeping up the webpage. oh, and i'm going to try one of these newfangled template thingies until i can modify/make one of my own.

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